Parent Teacher Association Information Page
The Parent Teacher Association is the structure through which the parents/guardians in Scoil Naomh Iósaf can work together with the teachers for the best possible education for the children.
All parents/guardians of children in the school are members of the association. A number of parents and teachers form a committee each school year. Click here for details of the current committee.
You can contact the committee through any of the members or through the school office.
All parents/guardians of children in the school are members of the association. A number of parents and teachers form a committee each school year. Click here for details of the current committee.
You can contact the committee through any of the members or through the school office.
What the Parent Teacher Association does
![]() Fundraising
The Association gets involved in raising some much needed funds for the school. Our next big fundraising event is the Women's Mini Marathon. This event takes place on the June Bank Holiday Monday (5th). Last year a number of parents took part in this event, raised money for the school and had a great day out. If you know any parent doing this event please do support them. If you are taking part and raising fund for the school, thank you so much and lets hope you have a fantastic day. Our Sponsored Walk on the 10th May was an amazing success. The sun shone and we raised €3,000 for the school, much of which will be used to purchase new interactive whiteboards for classrooms. A hugh thank you to everyone who contributed to this event. The recent Cake sale, which was a great success raised over €1,500. Some of this money was used towards the cost of an Internet Safety Day for the children in the school. The remainder will be used to contribute to the cost of bus hire for trips to various events during the year. The PTA Committee would like to thank the school community for their generosity in supporting this event. |
Support for Parents
As part of the School Internet Safety Day a presentation for Parents was organised. This session was held in the School hall on the 9th March. All Parents from junior infants to sixth class are invited. If you could not make the Parent presentation you can access the results of the survey that was conducted in our school by following the link below: 3114_scoil_naomh_iosaf_2017mar09_primary_school_trend_report_r3.pdf For tips on how to keep your child safe and other internet information check out: The National Parents Council have an online Internet Safety course for parents. Click here to access this training. |